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David Pearson went to Manchester Grammar School and won a place at Oxford University at the age of 16. He took a gap year before the expression was known and won an American Field Service scholarship to Blake School in Minnesota where he graduated summa cum laude. He then took his MA (Hons.) in Law from New College, Oxford. Throughout his business career he has constantly sought to keep up to date with the latest business training and as well as internal training he has attended courses at the Wharton School in the USA, IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the Ashridge Business School in the UK.

He served as an Independent Governor of the University of Bedfordshire 2006 to 2012, the maximum period allowed. He chaired the Marketing & Communications Committee and later the Student Experience Committee. In 2012 the University bestowed the distinction of an Honorary Fellowship, the highest honour it can award, 'in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the success of the University'.

David Pearson as President of Graduation Ceremony of University of Bedfordshire  27th March 2009 after installing the new Chancellor, Baroness Howells of St Davids, of Charlton in the London Borough of Greenwich OBE with the Vice Chancellor, Professor Les Ebdon CBE.

© David C Pearson 2024 (All rights reserved)